Friday, August 7, 2020

It's been a while since I wrote this blog. Since the Covid 19 pandemic, my yarn shop has been closed. Alot has happened this passed year. Where do i begin? I guess first of all I'm going through a separation. Who knew after 31 years of marriage. Yup my husband is now my exhusband. Then my sister passed away which will be a year in September. She suffered a massive heart attack. My twin sister and I flew to Calgary for her funeral. The week we came back, my Mom suffered two strokes. She was put in the hospital. This was also last September. My Mom passed away in June. She was 93. Because of the pandemic, we were only allowed ten people at her funeral. So we had a graveside ceremony. It was a beautiful day. Mom was laid to rest in Union Cemetery beside my Dad and my other sister Margaret. So it's been a year. Therefore I haven't opened my shop as my Twin and I are working on emptying my Mom's house to sell. Hopefully next week it will be on the market. We are selling as is, not putting any money into it. I'm sure it will sell fast because of the area and the size of the lot. I'm hoping to be back at the shop as soon as the house sells. I'm looking forward to getting back to normal.The new normal. During this pandemic, I have been knitting and crocheting many things, hopefully to sell in my shop. Granny squares are back! Blankets, purses and shawls. I also have been knitting socks. Oh how I love knitting socks. Until later I will hope to continue to write this blog, to keep everyone updated on my business. Happy Knitting!